Best smoke points on Bind in Valorant

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Friday, August 9, 2024

Playing in Valorant’s Bind map can be tough without using smoke to block the right angles.

Valorant’s Bind has a special feature: two portals to connect the A and B site. The sites can be accessed through narrow passages. However, the chokepoints can be covered by the agents with smoke abilities such as Brimstone, Omen, Viper, Jett and Cypher. Thus smoke plays a huge role in Valorant, as they can block enemy’s sightlines.

Smoke not only denies the enemy’s vision but also puts them in critical peeking spots, in Valorant. This will also prevent a heavy push into the site.

Bind Callouts in Valorant (Screengrab via

One needs to be aware of such chokepoints and angles in the map to smoke it off. Hence, this article will guide players through the best locations for smokes in Valorant's Bind map.

Best Attacking Smokes on Valorant's Bind

Attacking A Site

Attacking smokes at Bind's A Site (Screengrab via Valorant)

The A Tower (Heaven) remains a threat to the attackers while rushing into the site, especially when the opponents have an Operator. Hence, it’s best to smoke the Heaven first, while entering the A Site.

Apart from A Heaven, defenders can easily peek from U-Hall (or Lanterns) too. One should smoke at such angles to eliminate risks.

Players can also smoke beside the site box at the A Site. This will resist the opponents from pushing through these smokes.

Attacking B Site

Attacking smokes at Bind's B Site (Screengrab via Valorant)

In Bind’s B Site, Hall and Elbow are two angles that help the defenders take a peek safely. Hence, to prevent that, players can smoke those angles.

Players can also drop smoke on both sides of the box on the B site of Valorant's Bind map. This will block the Cubby and back of the site. This will make it harder for opponents to come forward and initiate a fight. Meanwhile, one of the teammates can easily plant the spike, in front of the box.

Best Defending Smokes on Valorant's Bind

Defending A Site

Defending smokes at Bind's A Site (Screengrab via Valorant) Defending smokes at Bind's A Site (Screengrab via Valorant)

Defending A site in Bind is easy if players drop smoke at both the entrances, i.e., at A Cubby and A Bath. This will discourage a heavy push by the enemies and will let the team take easy control of the site.

One can choose to use a one-way smoke in the double box, near the Cubby. This will create an opportunity to easily knock down enemies. It will block their sightline but at the same time, players can also track their position.

Defending B Site

B Window (or Hookah) and B long are the only entrances for the attackers, to enter B Site. Hence, it’s best to block those entrances with smoke.

The enemies will no longer be able to make a heavy push into the site. Meanwhile, teammates can get them from the back if they try to make a rotation.

Players can also smoke the A teleporter exit, in case the enemies use it. This won’t allow them to get out of it, as it will block their vision.

Also Read: All Viper lineups for Valorant’s Breeze

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